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Fluke DTX-CERTIFIBER-MS CertiFiber Optical Loss Test Set

Price: US$ 14,250.00
Sold: 4116
Availability: In Stock
fiberinthebox-bbb-a-plus-certification fiberinthebox-product-certification
Because present-day enterprise data networks increasingly rely on optical fiber cabling, it is more impo ant than ever for installers and network owners to use Optical Loss Test Sets (OLTS) ce ify and document that their fiber links meet established industry standards to protect against network downtime and lost revenue.
The Fluke Networks DTX-CLT Ce iFiber® OLTS enables you to easily and accurately ce ify two fibers concurrently over two wavelengths according to custom requirements or established industry specifications. Quickly and efficiently conduct troubleshooting with a convenient integrated Visual Fault Locator (VFL).
12-second Autotest – loss measurement of two fibers at two wavelengths, optical link budget calculation, and a PASS/FAIL analysis Fast and professional test result documentation via the widely-used LinkWare repo ing software Optimized for applications ranging up to 10-Gig Interchangeable multimode and singlemode modules (which are also compatible with the popular DTX™ CableAnalyzer) Accurate fiber length measurement – eliminate haphazard guessing Continuity and polarity verification Easy-to-use and widely-recognized DTX-based interface On-board VFL to locate fibers and breaks Suppo s various small form factor (SFF) fiber connectors
Order Information

Model Number/Name



Multimode DTX-CLT Ce iFiber; includes DTX-MFM2 and one set of 50 µm SC/SC test reference cords


Singlemode DTX-CLT Ce iFiber; includes DTX-SFM2 and one set of SM SC/SC test reference cords


Multimode and singlemode DTX-CLT Ce iFiber; includes DTX-MFM2 and DTX-SFM2 and one set each of 50 µm and SM SC/SC test reference cords

Optical  (23ºC)
Input (Meter) connectors Removeable adapter on fiber optic power meter (input port). 
Removable SC adapter standard with product.          
Optional removable adapters: LC, ST and FC
Output (Source) connectors Fixed SC adapter
Source type and nominal wavelength DTX-MFM2: 850 nm LED and 1300 nm LED
DTX-GFM2: 850 nm VCSEL and 1310 nm FP laser
DTX-SFM2: 1310 nm FP laser and 1550 nm FP laser
Source power DTX-MFM2: ≥ -20 dBm, DTX-SFM2: ≥ -7 dBm
Length measurement DTX-MFM2: ≤ 5,000 m of 62.5 or 50 μm fiber
DTX-GFM2: ≤ 5,000 m of 62.5 or 50 μm fiber
DTX-SFM2: ≤ 10,000 m of 9 μm singlemode fiber
Power meter type InGaAs detector
Power measurement range 0 to -60 dBm (1310 nm and 1550 nm)
0 to -52 dBm (850 nm)
VFL  (23ºC)
Laser type and nominal wavelength Class II CDRH, 650 nm
Output modes Continuous wave and flashing mode
Connector adapter 2.5 mm universal
Operating temperature 0ºC to 40ºC
Storage temperature -20ºC to 60ºC
Safety CE, CSA, EN 61010-1
Dimensions (L x W x D), nominal 4.2” x 3.0” x 1.1” (106 mm x 76 mm x 28 mm)
Weight, nominal 0.31 lb (0.14 kg)