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SC Bare Fiber Adapter

Price: US$ 14.33
Sold: 3400
Availability: In Stock
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QtyPrice QtyPrice QtyPrice QtyPrice QtyPrice
1-10US$ 14.33 11-50US$ 14.04 51-100US$ 13.75 101-500 Sign in to view 501+ Sign in to view
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Bare fiber adapters are used as the medium to link the bare optical fiber to optical fiber equipment. The bare optical fiber adapters have the bare optical fiber inside on one side; the other side of the adapter is a connector that can plug into the equipment. We supply SC, FC and ST bare fiber adapters, they are used to quickly and easily terminate the fiber to the equipment.

Temporarily connactorizes bare fiber
Testing bare fiber, fiber on the reel, fiber before and after installation
Production line of optical fiber devices
For fast and temporary optical fiber connections in communication system
Temporary connections to OTDRs, Power Meters, Talk sets, Demo Equipment and Dark Fiber

Package include:
1x SC Bare fiber adapter